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Stat Rules

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1Stat Rules Empty Stat Rules Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:16 am

Ascot Harper


There are four stats

Strength: How much Damage you can deal out, as well as how much heavy items you can wield without using Magic.
Vitality: How much Damage you can take or endure, as well as how much health you have.
Agility: How fast you are, physically.
Focus: How many spells you can cast, and whether you can be interrupted or not, also affects usage of Guns and other Ranged Weapons, even Non-Lethal Ones.

There are three levels of each stat:
Base stats cannot exceed +3 unless the user gives up a point from a school of magic. It would explain why your character has the time to keep up in that stat.

Maybe base mana would increase by X based on Focus. Vit Increases HP based on X.
Vit will also probably be defined as the amount of damage one can take and will probably increase hp max
Strength 1: Weak it’s hard for you to lift heavy objects weighing over 100lbs. Your fist would most likely hurt you if you hit someone.
Strength 2: You have Normal strength you can easily lift 150lbs str. Your melee attacks are able to inflict some damage.
Strength 3: You are above average and can lift 200-250lbs. Your hits are harder and cause deep bruising and possibly broken bones, if done with your fists.
Strength 4: You’re strong, you’re as strong as humans can become without being called inhuman. 300-400lbs. Your attacks not only knock the wind out of people but have a chance of breaking bones and causing minor internal damage.
Strength 5: You are inhumanly strong you can lift and toss cars. 1-2tons and we can mess with the numbers if you all like. Strength gives you the ability to lift more and do more damage with melee combat.

Vitality 1: you get battered and bruised easily can barely take much damage. If damage is consistent you pass out from the pain quickly.
Vitality 2: being able to take a punch and swing back.
Vitality 3: Being able to take a moderate beating
Vitality 4: Being able to take a bullet to the gut and still fight
Vitality 5: You can take shots to vital areas because of how your body has developed. These areas are tougher under the skin making them almost as hard as the strongest metals. But without the downside.

Agility 1: You are weak and can barely jog let alone run anywhere. You can jog about a half a mile but cannot keep it up for long. You can do quick sprints up to 10 feet. You are slow, a small child has more speed than you do.
Agility 2: Getting a little better at jogging you can jog for a few miles. You can do quick sprints for about 30 feet. Your attacks and defenses aren’t considered slow but they aren’t fast either.
Agility 3: You can do a marathon jog and possibly do a running one as well. You are fast and can keep it up. You can move ten miles while jogging and running off and on. Your Quick with melee weapons and can probably parry and/or attack your foe before they knew what hit them.
Agility 4: You can almost run nonstop but after fifty miles you peter out and are out of stamina. Your movements are really fast, most can’t keep up with you. You have good defense and offense.
Agility 5: You don’t run out of stamina and can continue to run indefinitely. You are so fast that most eyes cannot keep up with your movements. People would say that everything you do is in a blur. Most are afraid of you when you move this fast. All of your actions are quick. Your reflexes and movements are almost perfect.
Agility increases your characters speed and maximum stamina.

Focus increases your mana as well as your maximum spell focus. Focus is the ability to maintain and cast spells. The more focused one is the longer one can maintain a spell. The more focused someone is the quicker they can cast a spell.
Focus 1: You were that student that didn’t get A's and Bs in school, you probably got Cs and Ds; some Fs. It wasn’t your fault you couldn’t focus all that well. It takes you a long time to concentrate to cast a spell and it’s nearly impossible for you to sustain one. Oh, and you can't aim worth shit.
Focus 2: You were the student who got mostly A's and B's. You have great focus but some things draw your attention from your work. Be it something little like a shiny object or just being lazy. You could have better focus but you’re not all that bad. You can cast spells with a few seconds of concentration, and you can hit a non-moving object with a ranged weapon.
Focus 3: You are, quite simply, a valedictorian. You can cast spells with only a little effort, and your accurracy with guns would impress a National Guardsman.
Focus 4: You can instantly cast spells or so it would seem instant. Gathering your focus is a simple task and forcing your mana into a spell is as well. With guns, you are as good as a Sharpshooter.
Focus 5: Can dual cast spells as well as sustain them, although doing so is a little difficult. School for you was simple and somewhat a waste of time. You can hit a fly at fifty paces.

Each Faction provides a bonus to one stat, except for The Agency and The Immortals, who have enough Physical Points to have the maximum of all three stats.

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