Progressive World Roleplay
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Progressive World Roleplay

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Site Rules

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1Site Rules Empty Site Rules Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:05 pm

Ascot Harper

#1 A Admin/Mods ruling on a post is usually final, unless other mods agree with you.

#2 No Flaming, Trolling, Auto-hit (aka saying that you hit another character automatically), controlling other PCs, Godmodding, so on and so forth.

#3 A mod/admin can be outvoted on a ruling by a majority of the other mods/admin.

#4 Unlike in Mage the Ascension and Mage the Awakening, the original sources, Souls are Completely Immortal - you can hurt them, seal them away, or banish them to the Afterlife, but you cannot destroy or consume them.

#5 No metagaming. Metagaming is when you use information you know but your character doesn't to benefit your character. Don't do that.

#6 If you want to sell or advertise your own stuff, do so in the appropiate section.

#7 You cannot swear or use obscenities outside of the game; inside it, however, obsceneties can be used if its in-character.

#8 You cannot link to copyrighted digital material such as full anime episodes, manga scans, Mp3's, HK Bootlegs, or programs that help encode or distribute these materials, or means to hack into software and/or hardware. No providing the forums with information to such links. Legal sites such as, Pandora, Hulu and other services that own licenses which allows you to consume media is allowable.

#9 Do not discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation, religion, race, or ethnicity. Actions such as these will be banned. Same for racial epiphets. Do not post adult-rated images (porn, body horror, gruesome and gross images) on the site without putting the image in a spoiler tag and giving a warning on the contents, or you will get infracted.

#10 No Hentai. Ever.

#11 The minimum for posts is 75 words.

#12 All Starting Health is 50, with with each point of Vit adding +10. All Starting Mana is 50, with each point of Focus adding +10.

#13 Probably the most important rule: No Politics! No discussing political views except in PM, no playing a politician, and, most esepcially, No being President of the Philippines or United States without GM Permission!

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