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Travel/Teleportation Rules

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1Travel/Teleportation Rules Empty Travel/Teleportation Rules Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:23 am

Ascot Harper

Travel/Teleportation Rules

Travel, unlike in other sites, is very, very easy in AWoPM, thanks to the presence of the Twilight Fade Transportation Network, a set of teleporters situated in all the major towns, and whose service is free; the Twilight Fade's rationale is that easier travel leads to more commerce, and more commerce leads to more money. Not just that, but the teleportation network helps ensure their neutrality by making them useful to all factions. At the same time, however, these Teleporters are defended by mercenaries hired by The Fade, meaning that the factions cannot just seize them willy-nilly.

However, there is another way to travel, and that is by using Timespace Magic. Timespace is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful Schools, because it is actually two Schools in one. Timespace can allow you to teleport, create portals, and even project yourself into multiple places at once. However, this requires Timespace 4, Life 4, and Mind 4; Life in order to enable your split selves to act in multiple places, and Mind for your split selves to think differently in different situations. Those who have these Schools are still restricted to three topics at once, but they can have them in wildly different locations.

But I want to travel normally! You say. Well, you don't need word counts to do that; you only need a single paragraph detailing how you're travelling and how many miles you travelled, for example:

"I went to a medical cruiser, called The Alfred Nobel. It’s a ship that is dedicated to the transport and support of Magical Peace Corps members. It held, within its facility, hospitals, storage rooms, learning centers, and a library, as well as strong energy shields to protect it from storms and the occasional pirate. It also carried a suite of sleeping gas sprayers, instant seed launchers, and an EMP Pulse that can shut down machinery. On the Alfred Nobel, I enjoyed a good, long, relaxing nap, as well as answered a spate of questions about my life from some Hot MRC Girls."

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