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Magic School Rules

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1Magic School Rules Empty Magic School Rules Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:25 am

Ascot Harper

Magic School Rules

Disclaimer: I don't own Mage:the Ascension, whose Magic System I based the Schools. Anyway, there are Nine Schools of Magic, with 5 and +5 Levels:

Timespace - Teleportation, Superspeed, Flight (shared with Energy), Scrying, Bullet Time, and putting Conditional Effects on Spells (for example, casting a gun to shoot Fireball 'X' number of times).

Energy - Electricity, Heat, Light, Cold (which is the removal of heat), Magnetism, Gravity, Polarity, Sound, Telekenesis, Flight (shared with Timespace) etc.

Mentalism - Mind Control, Mind Reading, Illusions.

Life - Healing, Controlling Plants and Animals, Mutation.

Death - Killing, Destruction, Necromancy and Undoing Necromancy (Making sure that people die peacefully)

Matter - Transmuting Matter, Changing the States of Matter (Turning Water to Ice, or Gas, Solidifying Air), and Conjuring Matter (in conjunction with Prime).

Fate - Increasing or decreasing Luck.

Law - Making Magic Lasting, Making Magitech, Conjuring up Silver Bolts of Light that harm High-Level Mages.

Otherness - Contact with Other Dimensions, Taming Extra-Dimensional Entities like Spirits, Creating New Spirits, and going to Other Dimensions.

Level 1 of each School of Magic grants one the power to percieve said School at work. Level 1 in the Law School allows one to see all Magic, but not what School. Requires 1 Mana.

Level 2 of each School of Magic grants weak, but still useful efects for the School that you get (Range is that of a large room). Requires 10 Mana

Timespace: Impenetrable Communication, the power to set up wards against teleportation, Imperfect Prediction of the Future.

Energy: Ball Lightning, Featherfall, Basic Energy Shield.

Mentalism: Read Surface Thougts, Do a Mental Compulsion (can be detected by ordinary minds, and fought against by willpower).

Life: Healing Self.

Death: Summon Ghosts (but not control them).

Matter: Basic Matter Shield (harden air or water vapor to protect against attacks), Make a Really Good Counterfeit Bill.

Fate: Increase Luck for yourself.

Law: Build Minor Magitech, Fuel Magitech, Increase the Mana you regenerate from a Demesne, and, of course, Enchant a Weapon to deal damage unhealable by Magic, but not Pure Tech.

Otherness: Touch Spirits, Summon Spirits (but not control them).

Level 3 of each School of Magic grants moderately powerful effects, effects that are useful in battle (Range is that of a medium-sized building). Requires 20 Mana

Timespace: Flight, Superspeed, Limited Teleportation, Advanced Scrying into the past or future, Slow down time (Does not stack with Superspeed).

Energy: Fireball, Telekensis, Control of Magnetism, Flight (overlaps with Timespace), Gravity Control, Palpatine Lightning Bolts,  Holograms.

Mentalism: Mental Link, Dreamwalk, Basic Illusions.

Life: Heal Others! Control Plants and Animals, Limited Shapeshifting (1 Post), Enhance Stats by 1 temporarily.

Death: Raise Undead! Force Ghosts to do your bidding. Make things crumble to dust.

Matter: Transmutation (to Non-Magical Materials), Conjure Non-Living, Non-Undead Matter as much as your body weight (in conjunction with Law), Change Solids to Liquids or Gases or vice versa).

Fate: Increase Luck for others, Decrease Luck on others.

Law: Make Complex Magitech, Bolt of Prime (silvery-bright light that harms even high-level Magi), create Healing Items.

Otherness: Forge Spirit Pacts, Exorcise Nature and City Spirits, Control Nature and City Spirits.  

Level 4 of each School of Magic is, quite frankly, a WMD-like effect, and should be used with caution (Range is that of one 2010s City - 2010s, not 2100s!). Requires 30 Mana.

Timespace: Mass Teleportation, Large Portals, Set Conditional Effects (Basically, 'program' a spell to go off on a certain condition, like make a gun shoot Fireball when someone says a word).

Energy: Storms, Inferno, Earthquake.

Mentalism: Dominate and utterly brainwash a person.

Life: Advanced Shapeshifting (More than 1 Post), Bloodbending, Mutation, enhance stats by 2 temporarily.

Death: Rot Living Flesh, Bind Ghosts to Places, Enervate Foes, Create Intelligent Undead.

Matter: Create Magical Materials

Fate: Bestow Curse, Undo Curse

Law: Merge Magitech to the Human Body, Create Magitech Vessels, Siphon Mana from objects, Suppress or Reactivate Demsesne for a  Topic.

Otherness: Travel to the Spirit World, where you have the same 'Rank' as a high-level spirit. Alternatively, travel to Parallel Worlds.

Level 5 is Godlike; only characters who took the 'Promotion Bonus', NPCs, or Players who played the past incarnations of AWoPM on Roleplayer Guild can take one. Requires 40 Mana

Timespace: Time Travel, Teleport to Anywhere, Warp Space

Energy: Hurricane, Volcanic Eruption, Earthquake and Tsunami

Mentalism: Mass Mind Control

Life: Perfect Transformation into a Monstrous Form

Death: Command an army of Intelligent Undead.

Matter: Create Materials that violate the laws of reality blantantly.

Fate: Create Unbreakable Oaths, Create Unlucky or Lucky Places.

Law: Create your Own Demesne!

Otherness: Bring the Most Powerful Nature and City Spirits into our world.

Level 5+ is a Deus ex Machina, a Plot Device. Only Players who played the past incarnations of AWoPM or NPCs can have it.

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