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Magical Material Rules

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1Magical Material Rules Empty Magical Material Rules Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:20 am

Ascot Harper

Magical Materials and Pure Technology Equivalents

Magical Materials are, as implied, substances made up by magically altering matter, either through your own power (requires Matter 4 and One IRL Day) or through the use of specialized Magitech. These materials, as well as their Pure Technology equivalents, are stronger, less brittle, and, in some cases, deal more damage/enhance one's power, as well as various other special properties. However, they cannot be conjured up willy-nilly, even with Matter 4; this is because even the weakest Magical/Pure Technology material is to complex to be conjured up by normal Magi. Most Items are made of these materials, meaning that you have to work to make/buy them; in fact, Magical Materials and Pure Technology equivalents can be the cornerstone of the economy.

List of Magical Materials:

Name: Orichalcum
Type of Technology: Material
Description: A Magical disruptor, it halves the strength of a magical shield if the shield is struck by Orichalcum.
Flaw: Unable to be handled by mages without protection
Uses: Anti-Mage Defense System, Anti-Mage bullets, Anti-Mage Weapons

Name: Fatesilk
Type of Technology: Material
Description: A Desmene of Connections yields 'natural' threads of relationships, which can be woven into cloth that is stronger than normal silk, to the point where it can withstand armour-piercing bullets. However, its prime property is that it increases the wearer's luck, allowing them to evade fatal strikes, have them hit non-fatal places, hit difficult targets,find food and drink with ease, and all the manifold uses of increased luck.

It also is usable for mundane purposes; allowing one's business or occupation a better chance to prosper.
Flaw: Vulnerable to 'Orichalcum' and 'Anti Materiel Rifles', which reduces Fatesilk to cheap fabric.
Uses: Clothing and Armour Component.

Name: Dura-Ceramic
Type of Technology: Material
Description: A special ceramic-based material whose special property is that it takes no Magic to make than other materials, and with more sophisticated technology, does not require it at all (just like RL experiments in Ceramic Armour). This makes it one: effective against both 'Orichalcum' and 'Project Medusa' weapons, and two: able to be wielded by Nonmagi, just like 'Orichalcum'.
Flaw: Inability to conduct heat, leading to a full suit cooking people inside without magic or cooling systems.Impractical inflexibility, difficulty in concealment and smuggling of full suits, and inhuman astethic of a full suit of Dura-Ceramic armour.
Uses: Armour, Ceramics.

Name: Nihilitic Fluids
Type of Technology: Material
Description:  A material that is transparent and is set as a liquid, but once in a normal room temperature it soldifies. The material magical in nature does not allow other magical objects to go through it. It's magical properties force the chemical states to go in reverse order.
Flaw: Once returned to a temperature of 25 Kelvin, the Liquid begins to revert to a liquid state.
Uses: Containment.

Name: Carbonadium
Type of Technology: Material
Description: A high tensile strength material, forged with magitech out of carbon-nanotube.
Flaw: Unless woven or integrated with another material it has no rigidity
Uses: Light Armor, resists bullets Specifically is woven into Carbon Fiber weaves which can be bent and made into a full suit of armor

Name: Quicksilver
Type of Technology: Material
Description: A Gallium, Zinc and Aluminum alloy typically unstable but with magic is stable. A liquid metal, that is can be programmed to hold certain forms or patterns if supplied with T-Cell like power
Flaw: Without a T-Cell, there is no power to hold the programmed form, and it will just become a single mass of liquid metal.
Uses: Shapechanging weapons

Name: Eldritch Bone
Type of Technology: Material
Description: A material literally grown using Life, Death, and Matter Magic, Eldritch Bone is less strong than Mithril or Admantium or even Dura-Ceramic, but can slowly regenerate its wearers' health and siphon the life essence of enemies.
Flaw: Blunt Force Trauma and concentrated magic strikes.
Uses: Armour

Name: Mithril
Type of Technology: Magic Material
Description: A silvery-white metal that is lightweight, very durable and strong, and yet can be easily treated or shaped with special forging magic or techniques. It is an exceptional conduit for magic, and has a wide range of uses. Its ease of attunement to magic makes it an ideal material for magic items and weapons, as it conducts mystical energies with ease. While Mithil starts out having a Law/Prime affinity due to its construction, it can be made to resonate with almost all magic types. Mithril is practically immune to orichalcum,
Construction Process: Titanium, Platinum, Silver, Aluminum and Iron are smelted together in a furnace at high temperatures in a Law-aligned manse, with special, magic-focusing mirrors reflecting the light of the sun and/or moon for seven consecutive hours into the smelting furnace. Great care has to be taken to ensure optimal conditions lest the mithril is compromised in its purity.
Flaw: It is an expensive material that requires some precious metals in its construction, such as platinum and silver. Plus, the process requires a considerable amount of effort and care to produce mithril.

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